Windir System32 Mstsc Exercise

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Hello, I get the following message when I try to start a remote desktop connection (shortcut target is%windir% system32 mstsc.exe). This used to work until a.

When using Remote Desktop to connect to a remote computer, closing Remote Desktop locks out the computer, displaying the logon screen. In the locked mode, the computer does not have GUI, so any currently running or scheduled GUI tests will fail. To avoid problems with GUI tests, use the utility to disconnect from Remote Desktop.

Tscon returns the control to the original local session on the remote computer, bypassing the logon screen. All programs on the remote computer continue running normally, including GUI tests.

To disconnect from Remote Desktop, run the following command on the remote computer (in the Remote Desktop window) as an Administrator. %windir% System32 tscon.exe RDP-Tcp# NNN /dest:console where RDP-Tcp#NNN is the ID of your current Remote Desktop session, for example, RDP-Tcp#0. You can see it in the Windows Task Manager on the Users tab, in the Session column. You will see the “Your remote desktop session has ended” message, and the Remote Desktop client will close.

But all programs and tests on the remote computer will continue running normally. You can automate the disconnection procedure using a batch file. On the remote computer, do the following:. Create a batch file with this code. For /f 'skip=1 tokens=3'%%s in ('query user%USERNAME%') do (%windir% System32 tscon.exe%%s /dest:console ). Create a desktop shortcut to this file. To do this, right-click the batch file and select Send to Desktop (create shortcut).

In the shortcut properties, click Advanced and select Run as administrator. Now, when you need to disconnect from Remote Desktop, double-click this shortcut on the remote computer (in the Remote Desktop window). You can also call this batch file at the beginning of your tests (provided that the tests are run as an Administrator). Important Notes. Rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation Do not lock the remote computer while your automated tests are still running. If the tests need to interact with the GUI, they will fail since the operating system will stop drawing the GUI.

For more information about this, see. If the rdpclip.exe process is running on the remote computer and the clipboard is not empty when you disconnect from the remote session, the rdpclip.exe process can fail.

To avoid this issue, you can terminate the rdpclip.exe process before disconnecting from the session.

You can also edit the.rdp file directly. I usually just open it in notepad.

You can edit and save just like any regular text file. The properties that I most commonly edit are desktopwidth, desktopheight, and winposstr. This also allows you to choose any resolution, not just the predefined ones in the GUI slider. The only part that is a little confusing is the parameters for winposstr; leave the first two alone and the last four are left, top, right, bottom locations of the window respectively.

I have a three monitor setup with 1600 X 1200 resolution, and here is what I use to display the session on my third monitor with no scroll bars. I like starting mstsc.exe from a PowerShell script. My scripts is named, 'RDP.PS1' because RDP is easier to type than mstsc:) There are some values that I usually almost always want the same: no printers, no drives and BASIC display settings so that the RDP session runs faster. I have a combination of a 'default.rdp' and the switches available with mstsc.exe. I did this because mstsc.exe does not allow complete configuration from the command line.

Windir System32 Mstsc ExerciseDownload

By setting all my preferences in 'default.rdp', then including a server name, /v: and display dimensions, /h: and /w:, I get a session the way I like. Create a 'default.rdp' and save it as this thread has described. Then combine it with mstsc.exe switches: mstsc.exe MyDefaultPrefs.RDP /v:MyServer /h:815 /w:1300 I used PowerShell to add in a few other switches if I care to use them. For the most part though, all I type is: RDP MyServer and let the defaults be. The 1440x900 laptop issue is quite common. Yes, you could choose a smaller resolution, say, 1024x768 or 800x600, and they would yield acceptable results - if what you're seeking is to avoid scroll bars withing the RDP instance itself. Must more convenient is to choose to use your current desktop resolution, but in many clients this will yield less than desirable results (You get the scroll bars) unless you toggle full screen.

To have your RDP client (Since we appear to be talking about MSTSC.exe here) session occur in a window itself, while avoiding the scroll bars (or the afore mentioned resolutions which are less than optimum), the /h:900 /w:1100 parameters suggested above are a great starting point, but with all things YMMV, so play with it until you get it just so;) Many RDP clients also allow you to set a 'custom' res just prior to connect, and yes, most clients will remember your last sessions. One major thing you should be aware of. For all of us UNIX folks, we're going to be using things like vcenter, putty, etc., in our remote windows sessions, and whatver you want to call your DOS-like consoles, well. They don't follow the same set of rules as the rest of your desktop, so just make a note of that when setting your resolutions, and set your preferences according to how nicely the Windows desktop fits into your workspace, because you're just going to have to get used to moving those DOS-like windows about, as they'll always be a bit clunky. You can also set 24bit color with a hack, because it's disabled by default, although there's really no need for most folks, and although some people like to disable printing, I find that using remote apps and printing locally via RDP is not only a dream, but part of my regular tasks on a daily basis. So remember, if you're local res is 1440x900, you either need to run your RDP client in full screen mode (appears as if it is your local desktop), or, in order to run it as an obvious windowed app, you'll need to adjust your custom screen resolution to something slightly smaller, which will yield a window about the size of your entire desktop, but without appearing as if it is your local desktop - this is what many prefer, as they find it confusing otherwise.

I hope that helps:). I have a laptop that I connect to different external monitors at different locations, sometimes I connect to my laptop from a desktop machine so I get the benefits of a fullsized keyboard/mouse/monitor. This causes me grief because they're all different resolutions and despite selecting 'Full Screen', that doesn't seem to save for me. If I work at home at one resolution, then come to the office and use a monitor at a different resolution, I'd often have my RDP window end up the 'full screen' resolution for the last monitor I was using. This means that it's either a little too big or little bit too small. To fix this I used the '/f' switch directly in the start menu link.

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Right click on 'Remote Desktop Connection' icon in the start menu. Properties. Change the 'Target' value to:%windir% system32 mstsc.exe /f Hope this helps.

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